You can use consumer credit to purchase both new and used cars, regardless of their technical condition. Purchasing with consumer credit has minimal conditions: you do not have to have a down payment saved up, and there is no requirement for casco insurance. As a safeguard, you can even purchase consumer credit insurance, so that if you lose your income, the payments will be covered by the insurance company.
According to specialists, it is best to choose consumer credit if you are buying an older, lower-priced car. Furthermore, unlike leasing, you immediately become the owner of the car, so you are not bound by maintenance rules.
However, the terms of consumer credit are perhaps the least favorable for the buyer since the interest rates are the highest compared to other methods of financing a car purchase.
Although consumer credit is the least favorable loan option for the buyer, it can be a great way to acquire an inexpensive car, which could also be the first vehicle for a new driver. When the opportunity arises to look for a new car, it is best to use leasing or operational leasing.
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